Marie Isom: A Christian Life Coach, Speaker & Author

Living purposefully, living joyfully, and living in freedom. That’s the abundant life! My passion is helping others move beyond fears, doubts, pain, and limiting beliefs into abundant living.

 I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  -Jesus, John 10:10 NKJV

About Marie

I’m Marie Isom, a Christian life coach, speaker, and author. In addition to my memoir, I’ve had articles published in places like David C. Cook’s Power for Living and Focus on the Family. I’m also mom to six adult children and grandma to five grandblessings. I have been married to my best friend for nearly 37 years. I’m dedicated to guiding others toward a joyful, abundant life in Christ, regardless of their circumstances. Life has challenges, but even amidst the hardships, there’s plenty of room for joy, purpose, and freedom to bloom. Having survived a mass shooting, currently living with a debilitating health condition, and having overcome various life obstacles, I understand firsthand the essence of abundant living in tough times. My desire is to help you experience this abundant life in Christ too. 

Into Abundance Life Coaching: Helping Others Discover Abundant Living

Find deeper fulfillment and joy in who God made you to be with Into Abundance Christian Life Coaching. Utilizing biblical principals combined with personalized guidance and support, you can overcome fear, discouragement, and self-limiting thoughts.  Join me on a transformative journey towards a more abundant life with affordable Christian life coaching.

Self-Limiting Beliefs

Do you struggle with negative self-talk or doubts about yourself? Do you feel stuck? My coaching sessions are designed to empower you to identify and conquer self-limiting beliefs and obstacles, creating a pathway to your most fulfilled life.

Values and Purpose

Do you struggle with knowing when to say yes and when to say no? Do you sometimes feel like you are merely surviving life? Discover how to discern and clarify your values and purpose, intertwining them with your faith, understanding of God, and relationships. Through Christian life coaching, this self-awareness and understanding serve as the foundation for a fulfilling Christ-centered life.

Setting and Keeping Goals

Is setting goals paralyzing and challenging? Learn how to set and keep both short-term and long-term goals. Gain the tools and support needed to transform these daunting goals into achievable milestones, marking your path toward true fulfillment and joy in God's plan for you.

My Journey Through Faith

“Papier Mâché Princess” was released in November 2022. It details my journey from dysfunction and addictions, trauma and despair to a life filled with incredible joy, purpose, and freedom. It’s a testimony of growth, joy, and encouragement through challenging circumstances, by the grace of God. I’m currently working on my next book.

Explore My Blog

I Am a Kept Woman

My Worst Fear…FOMO

Out of Hiding: Book Published